Bilo jednom na Divljem Zapadu-kolekcionarsko izdanje (2x DVD)
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Klasik Serđa Leonea u najdužoj postojećoj verziji, sa kompletno obnovljenim slikom & zvukom i bonus DVD-om sa velikim brojem specijalnih dodataka!
specijalni dodaci:
-audio commentary by filmmakers John Carpenter, John Milius, Alex Cox and Bernardo Bertolucci, film historians Sir Christopher Frayling and Dr. Sheldon Hall, and lead actress Claudia Cardinale
"An Opera of Violence (28:49)"
"The Wages of Sin (19:36)"
"Something to Do with Death (18:16)"
"The Railroad: Revolutionising the West (6:29)"
-"Locations: Then and now" -photo slideshow
-Production stills gallery (includes 7 photos from the deleted scene, which Leone cut himself. In the scene, the Harmonica is being beaten by three deputies)
-Cast profiles (biographies)
-Theatrical trailer
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